Nov 10, 2009

The Difference between the Adults and Children in The Mole People

I would like to add more explanation to today's role playing statement. In "Children," chapter 9 of the book The Mole People, Toth describes how difficult it is for children to live and survive in the tunnel from the point of view of many adults and of a girl who is called Julie. For instance, there is a description about Teresa, a young mother domestically abused by her husband, who says that "She wants to get out of the tunnels before Dara is old enough to remember them.'I don't want her to remember this. . . . I want her to know I always loved her and took care of my children'" (p.86). This would mean that, generally speaking, many people consider that living in tunnel and being mole people is a kind of blot for them, even mole people themselves. Therefore, they must believe that they should not bring up any children in the tunnel, not only because of the filthy public hygiene but also because of the societal label about mole people. They already know so well how far is the distance between themselves and "above ground" in terms of social class. Most of them would have already experienced any disfavor because of that distance.

However, as I also said today, a girl who is named Julie has an ambition that "Everything I wish for I'm going to have because I've been such a good girl. And I'll grow up beautiful" (p.83). In spite of the fact that she also came to the tunnel from above ground, she can keep her motivation because she adapts to the environment of the tunnel. Because she does not have enough knowledge about mole people, she can adopt the circumstance and keep the motivation regardless of minding any prejudice from people even though she also knows that the environment of the tunnel is really bad.

Then, there is a difference between the fixed idea of the adults and the ignorance of Julie. it is really true that children who do not know about the above ground life can adopt much better in the tunnels than the adults. Most of them must throw away their hope for future. However, in spite of Julie's ignorance about the tunnel, she would be much happier than the adults. This situation is like a contradiction. The contradiction happens between ignorance and prejudice against mole people. Therefore, I believe that the root of all evil against mole people is based on the fixed image and prejudice that people cannot overturn in terms of the fact that mole people are forced to an uncomfortable life beyond the environment.

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